1) フレッシュなアロエベラの葉 またはアロエベラジェル:小さじ1
2) グリーングラムパウダー(ひよこ豆の粉):大さじ2
→ 葉の中からアロエベラジェルを擦り取り、グリーンのグラムパウダーと一緒にブレンダーに入れ、クリーミーになるまでよくブレンドする。
→ ぬるま湯で顔を洗い、水分をよくふき取ってからペーストを顔に乗せる。※目の周りは避けること。
→ 30分程経ったら、ぬるま湯で洗い流す。
Home Remedies for Pitta (for hot season in Japan)
~ Cooling Facial Pack ~
1) 1 Aloe vera Leaf or 1 tsp Aloe vera gel
2) 2 tbsp green gram powder
▶ Method:
Cut an Aloe vera leaf from the plant and let the yellow liquid come out by keeping 2-3 hrs cut side down. Then, wash it thoroughly until the leaf is clean. Then scrape the aloe vera gel from the leaf and add to a blender with the green gram powder. Blend well until the mixture is creamy (you can add more gram powder or aloe vera to get the right cream like consistency).
Wash the face with lukewarm water and wipe well. Apply the creamy paste on the face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 30 minutes and later wash the face with lukewarm water. After the face pack, do not apply anything else on to the face.
This face pack helps to remove excess oil on the skin, increases fairness, reduces dry skin and can be applied on to the body as well. This treatment is more effective during the dry season.